
Modern Systems Of Education Pt. 2

School curriculum was not designed by people who have much experience or talent in the world beyond education. Influenced by a bunch of random forces over centuries of evolution, school was shaped by educationalists and built to set a standard cognition level. The...

Modern Systems of Education pt. 1

We all start our lives with senses, reflexes, and learning mechanisms and when you think about it - if we lacked any of these capabilities, we would have trouble adapting to the world around us. In contrast, we do not start our lives with information processors,...

Slack Time

DeMarco defines slack as “the degree of freedom required to effect change. Slack is the natural enemy of efficiency and efficiency is the natural enemy of slack.” Elsewhere, he writes: “Slack represents operational capacity sacrificed in the interests of long-term...

Do it on purpose and you’ll find out who you are

“People don't believe what you tell them. They rarely believe what you show them. They often believe what their friends tell them. They always believe what they tell themselves.” — Seth Godin Tweet Asking for a guarantee before you start isn’t helpful. Instead, we...

The Better Generation

Fluid intelligence involves being able to think and reason abstractly and solve problems. This ability is considered independent of learning, experience, and education. — Qwarter Tweet Generational Intelligences People often claim that their intelligence seems to...

The Feynman Learning Technique

“If something is a tool, it genuinely is just sitting there, waiting patiently. If something is not a tool it's demanding things from you. It's seducing you, it’s manipulating you, it wants things from you. We've moved away from a tools-based technology environment,...

Social Dilemma

“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius—and a lot of courage—to move in the opposite direction.” — E.F. Schumacher Tweet Pretend to teach a concept you want to learn about to a student in the sixth...

The digital self and customer loyalty: from theory to virtual reality

“We curate our lives around this perceived sense of perfection because we get rewarded in these short term signals: hearts, likes, thumbs up and we conflate that with value and we conflate it with truth. And instead, what it is is fake brittle popularity that’s short...

Becoming Indistractable

“Most distraction doesn’t originate outside of us. It’s not just the pings, dings, and rings. Most distraction starts from within.” Nir Eyal Tweet “The more I research this topic of distraction, I start to realize that technology is the proximal cause, not the root...

To become who we are, we must stop choosing who we are not

What you think, you become What you feel, you attract What you imagine, you create. Buddha Tweet If you want to have an entirely different life by this time next year, then once you are finished reading this, I will need you to do one thing and one thing only: I will...

The One Thing

“Success demands singleness of purpose. You need to be doing fewer things for more effect instead of doing more things with side effects. It is those who concentrate on but one thing at a time who advance in this world. Passion for something leads to disproportionate...

Young & Restless

“Faking joy around others (or on social media) is a quick path to unrelenting depression (and it doesn’t help others’ mental health either).” Lorenzo, Author Tweet In the first quarter of our life, it is our time to make mistakes. To take risks. The 20s are about...

Power of Empathy

Having an empathetic attitude is more than a state of mind, it's a way of being that really allows us to connect and relate well with others. The greatest danger we face is our general assumption that we really understand people and that we can quickly judge and...

Modern Systems Of Education Pt. 2

School curriculum was not designed by people who have much experience or talent in the world beyond education. Influenced by a bunch of random forces over centuries of evolution, school was shaped by educationalists and built to set a standard cognition level. The...

Modern Systems of Education pt. 1

We all start our lives with senses, reflexes, and learning mechanisms and when you think about it - if we lacked any of these capabilities, we would have trouble adapting to the world around us. In contrast, we do not start our lives with information processors,...